
Often at Bible studies and classes, handouts are available regarding the topic of the study. We will post the handouts here for people to share as they are led.

Pastor Doug put together these helpful guidelines when attempting to tell others about the wonderful truth of salvation in Christ: How to Witness

Bible Reading Plans

We took these wonderful maps by Chris and Jenifer Taylor and put the Acts references and timeline on them: Acts Paul Missionary Journeys with timeline

The Famous Chapters in the Bible, Revival Study, and 9 Wars Study below all have separate pages for more information. Click on the title of the study to go to those pages.

Famous Chapters in the Bible audio recordings and handouts:
Isaiah 53 (“Jesus, the Suffering Servant”), SORRY, NO AUDIO FILE, pdf, doc, odt,
Psalm 23 (“Jesus, Our Shepherd”), Audio File (1 hr, 43 min), pdf, doc, odt,
John 15:1-11 ("Jesus the Vine"), Pt. 1 Audio File (47 min), Pt. 2 Audio File (43 min), pdf, doc, odt,
Romans 8 (“Our Victory in Jesus”), Pt. 1 Audio File (45 min), Pt. 2 Audio File (50 min), Pt. 3 Audio File (43 min), pdf, doc, odt
1 Corinthians 13, Audio File (56 min), SORRY, NO HANDOUT

Revival Study audio recordings and handouts:
Part 1: Revival in the Old Testament: Psalm 85 Audio File, Handout: pdf, doc, odt
Part 2: Revival in the New Testament: Revelation 2-3 Audio File, Handout: pdf, doc, odt
Part 3: Puritan Revival Audio File, Handout: pdf, doc, odt
Part 4: True and False Revival Audio File, Handout: pdf, doc, odt
Part 5: The American Revivals Audio File, Handout: pdf, doc, odt
Part 6: Is There Still Hope for an American Revival? Audio File, Handout: pdf, doc, odt

9 Wars Study audio recordings:
The War of Extermination
The First War of Gog & Magog, Pt 1
The First War of Gog & Magog, Pt 2
The First War of Gog & Magog, Pt 3
The First War of Gog & Magog, Pt 4,
The Conventional War of the Tribulation, Pt 1

The Conventional War of the Tribulation, Pt 2
The Nuclear War of the Tribulation
The War in the Heavens
The War in the Heavens, Pt 2
The War against the Jews and the Saints

The Middle East Campaign of the Antichrist
The Battle of Armageddon, Pt 1

The Battle of Armageddon, Pt 2
The Second Battle of Gog & Magog

A survey of references to prayer in the New Testament: Prayer

Some of the classes and Bible studies at the church were recorded and are presented here for you to listen or right-click and download to your computer or pad.

9 Wars Study Pastor Doug takes us through the end times and the possibility of 9 distinct wars from the Bible.

Revival Study Pastor Doug goes through the concept of "revival" in history, and shows us what revival really is.

Famous Chapters Study Pastor Doug takes us through some of the most well-known and important passages of Scripture.

The Bible Study Associate Pastor Dan shows evidence that the Bible is truly God's Word from various aspects.

Pastor Dan's Lenten Devotionals Associate Pastor Dan 2016 Lenten Devotionals from WTKM

Below are books we've found helpful, though, of course, not as accurate or perfect as the Word of God. As far as we can tell, these books are based on the Word of God.


Zvi by Elwood McQuaid

The true story of how a 10-year-old Jewish boy survives the Holocaust, finds life-transforming faith in the Messiah, and becomes God’s man on the streets of Jerusalem.

Foxe's Book of Martyrs edited by W. Grinton Berry

Foxe's Book of Martyrs has become a classic of magnificent courage and faith. This unparalleled volume chronicles the tragic yet triumphant stories of men and women who faced torture and martyrdom rather than deny their vision of truth and of God.

Systematic Theology, 8 Volumes by Lewis Sperry Chafer

This is long, and maybe intended for pastors, but every Christian benefits from knowing Biblical doctrine in depth, and Dr. Chafer's systematic theology covers everything from evidence for the Bible as the Word of God to Trinitarianism to salvation to Calvinism. The link takes you to a costly version (it went up considerably in price), but there is an electronic version available here. These are the texts from which our Systematic Theology class come.

The Green Letters by Miles Stanford

This short book is startling in its statements, and the Scripture to back it up. In addition, Mr. Stanford quotes from Christian writers to provide a very readable yet doctrine-rich book.

The entire book seems to be online at this website:

Walking in Victory by Dennis McCallum

Mr. McCallum provides a true, grace-oriented study of Romans 5-8, giving us a firm foundation to become what we are in Christ. Xenos Christian Fellowship also supports this and other books with free study guides and teacher guides.

We cannot vouch for everything on all of these sites, but we have found these sites useful or interesting.

Grace To You Ministry of John MacArthur. Many of our members are greatly blessed by Pastor MacArthur's teaching and preaching.


CARM's overview world religions. - CARM has good Biblical information about World religions.


Bill Koenig's site - Looking for a different angle on the news? This is the place.


Lighthouse Trails - Wondering about "contemplative prayer" or the "emerging" church? This sight will expose some errors in these trends.


Olive Tree Ministries - Current events and news presented in a topical format related to Biblical concepts.


Answers In Genesis - Answers in Genesis is the world’s largest apologetics (i.e., Christianity-defending) ministry, dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith, and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. They focus particularly on providing answers to questions surrounding the book of Genesis, as it is the most-attacked book of the Bible.


e-Sword Bible software - This software is free (though a donation is suggested) and has many resources to purchase that are helpful, like William MacDonald's commentary, The Bible Knowledge Commentary, and more.


Power Bible software - This is very effective but inexpensive Bible software, allowing for Greek and Hebrew interlinear with word searches. NIV and NAS cost extra, but are worth adding in since most people use those translations. Many discount options available for churches. WINDOWS only, unfortunately. - This site used to have many of Miles J. Stanford's writings until book publishers forced them to remove them, and also many explanations of dispensationalism, Calvinism, the inerrancy of Scripture, etc.


Friends of Israel - A worldwide Christian ministry communicating biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while fostering solidarity with the Jewish people.


Understanding the Times - An International Missionary Outreach Dedicated to Evangelizing the Lost By Sharing The Gospel According to the Scriptures.


John Piper's article "Don't Waste Your Cancer" - Some of our church people have found this article helpful.


Scriptural Truths for Roman Catholics including when various Roman Catholic doctrines were introduced.